Monday, September 2, 2019

Strawberry Preserves

Summer is turning to fall overnight but I'm just not ready for the change of seasons.

This little quilt captures the essence of summer with its ripe berry reds, sunny yellows, garden-fresh calicoes, and crisp gingham checks. 


It's a project I set aside years ago when I gave up doing handwork. Fortunately, my friend Ruth offered to finish it. 

Just look at her beautiful stitches! She crosshatched through the 2" squares... 

and quilted cables in the daisy-print border. I love how the perle cotton catches the light.

There are strawberries on the back too.


It's a little taste of summer to savor whenever I please!

"Strawberry Preserves"

15” x 17”



  1. I love that recipe and feel lucky to have one of the four quilts.

  2. Terrific recipe for capturing the essence of summertime. I really need to make more little quilts instead of always making lap size versions.

  3. That quilt is so sweet! And perfectly captures the essence of summer...which seems to be slowly slipping from our grasp.
