What do May flowers bring?
Inspiration for quilts!

Early yesterday morning, we woke to the sound of doors and windows rattling. Strange, I thought. Was it thunder? A tornado? The rumbling only lasted a few seconds but was disconcerting nonetheless. As it turned out, an earthquake in southern Illinois sent tremors as far north as Wisconsin!
In tribute to this rare event, here's a little quilt I call "All Shook Up."
It's a variation of the classic Streak of Lightning design made from half square triangle units offset to create the lively zig-zag pattern.
Enlarge photo for more detail.
I don't recall which came first, the bright colored solids or my choice of backing fabric. Either way, Milly Churbuck's hand-dyed cottons and Michael Miller’s “Dysfunctional Family” comic strip fabric were a perfect pairing!
18" x 24"
In other news, an exciting package is on its way! I'm the lucky winner of “Little Faithy,” the prairie doll made by Lucy van der Sluis of Quilting with the Past II. I'll be sure to introduce you, once she settles in.