Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Strawberry Patch
One of my favorite memories growing up was going through the linen cupboard with Mom. Everything had a story, from the fancy damask tablecloths we used at Christmas and Easter, to the hand crocheted doilies and dresser scarves made by grandmas and aunts.
I liked the handmade items best, so when we came across a set of embroidered napkins, each embellished with a charming strawberry, I couldn't wait to learn more.
Had Mom made them for her hope chest? Were they a bridal shower gift ?
Closer scrutiny revealed the napkins had never been used. Was it possible Mom set them aside "for good" so long she forgot them all-together? Apparently so!
A series of doll quilts on Vicki Haninger's blog showed just how to use those berries. Vicki added an embroidered motif to each of her little quilts, and the effect was so charming, I couldn't resist trying it myself!
Equally as charming were the fabrics Vicki used: pure, bright colors, prints with white backgrounds, assorted checks, polka dots, and whimsical designs... none of which I had in my own fabric stash.
An Internet search led me to Sandy Klop, whose American Jane fabrics ticked all the right boxes--cheerful colors and charming prints, all with a retro vibe!
I cut four sets of fabric to share with friends. Each kit included a strawberry patch and explicit instructions to "Have Fun!"
Why not find a scrap of stitchery and give it new life? It's a perfect way to honor an anonymous needleworker from the past!
The Strawberry Patch
15" x 17"
machine pieced
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Preposition Proposition
I’ve done it again… uttered those words that send my family scattering like pins on a hardwood floor: “I’m looking for a piece of fabric.”
With frenzied panic, they fumble for excuses:“Dad wants me to shovel the driveway… now!" “Gotta finish my homework. It's due tomorrow!” “I’m on the phone… long distance!”
Fear not, dear ones. This time, I know exactly where it is:"Go through the kitchen, into the dining room. It’s amongst the sewing things, on the chair, nearest the door. It’s in that pile of stuff, under the magazines, between the homespun plaids and batiks."
Uh oh, I’m beginning to lose them. When it comes to tracking down fabric, they’re like puppies or young children. They can only follow one command at a time.
"You can’t miss it… it’s red… red toile." Oh no, I’ve confused them with a technical term. Better redirect. "It's Christmas fabric… with scenes of Santa."
“Found it!” I hear someone cry triumphantly.
“Great! Now can you find the coordinating prints?”
They have glazed looks. I know better than to push my luck.