Well, it’s happened again! I’ve won another terrific giveaway, this time from LibbyQ at Paper Napkin Poetry. Libby is a talented photographer, multi-media collage artist and needlewoman whose work reveals the often overlooked detail of everyday things. Visit her blog ~ it's a gift in and of itself.

Her prize included an assortment of exquisitely stitched fabric postcards, exotic tea and honey sticks, sweet little packets of wildflower seeds and a luscious chocolate bar. I can’t stop studying, and admiring each hand stitched postcard. The detail is incredible and the longer I look, the more I see. Click each photo for a larger view.

This one is embellished with tiny shells, textural ribbon, feather stitched embroidery and rubber stamping...

with a single metallic thread, charms...

cute little sticky dots...
a miniature needle punched topiary inscribed
with the words ”thinking of you” ...
hidden message ~ "wonder"
The kindness of quilt bloggers like Libbyquilter astounds me. That someone would put so much time, effort and skill into a project, only to offer it to a complete stranger, shows a generosity of spirit that few possess.
Thanks again, LibbyQ. I feel very fortunate to own these little treasures. They won’t be wending their way through the post anytime soon.