Our newlyweds celebrated their first wedding anniversary with a belated Niagara Falls honeymoon!

It was also time to wash their wedding quilt, so James called me for laundering advice. What I wanted to say was, “Hold your breath, cross your fingers, and pray the colors won‘t run.” What I actually said was, “Fill your washer with cool water, add a little mild detergent and several color catchers. Swish the water around to dissolve the detergent before immersing the quilt. Let it soak for 30 minutes, then run it through a gentle wash cycle and tumble dry."
All in all, I'd say they got pretty good results. As you can see, six color catchers absorbed the excess red dye from the wash water. There was just a little color bleeding along the seam line of the red fabric and no color migration to the white background fabric or the back of the quilt.
Happy Anniversary James and Rachel. You're off to a great start!
*Has anyone had luck reusing Shout Color Catchers? Do they continue to absorb fugitive dyes or are they good for one use only?