Sunday, December 31, 2017

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful!

Hello, everyone! If you live outside the purple zone on the weather map, you may be unaware how bitterly cold it is here in the Midwest. With single-digit temperatures and -25° to -40° wind chills, it's breath-taking cold! Bone-chilling cold! FROSTBITE COLD! Needless to say, we're hunkered down for the duration.

My husband keeps his "expeditions" to a minimum in weather like this, braving the elements only to trek down the driveway for mail or to shovel us out (not that we're going anywhere). Each time he opens the storm door it whines in icy protest as if to ask, “Are you sure you want to venture out today?”

I'm keeping warm with a cozy new quilt made by my friend, Mary Conley. "The blocks might look familiar," she whispered as she placed it in my lap. Indeed they did... they were red and green nine patches I'd abandoned almost twenty years earlier! 

The blocks look fresh and new in this jaunty on-point setting offset with homespun plaid!

The homespun on the back too, it's even more inviting. 

Thank you, Mary. XO

Happy New Year and best wishes to you all!