Saturday, May 5, 2018

Spring At Last

What a welcome sight! Crocuses are blanketing the landscape like a colorful patchwork quilt. From the moment they emerge, often while there's still snow on the ground, their hardy blossoms dance with abandon like they're grateful to be leaving winter behind... and aren't we all?

My friend, Debbie, shared this photo from Flowers on Fargo, a private garden in Geneva, Illinois. Each spring, it bursts into color  with crocuses, tulips, and other flowering perennials. Check out the link above!  

Perhaps it's the colors that drew me to this vintage Dutchman's Puzzle quilt. Do you suppose the maker had crocuses in mind when she pieced those purple triangles or was this just a popular color scheme in the 1940s?

All those triangles

poking through a bed of white

to dance their way across a quilt

sure look like crocuses to me!

Wishing you all a happy spring & summer!


  1. Pretty vintage quilt - and hooray for crocus blossoms!!!

  2. funny how vintage quilts sometimes go out of favor for bright modern heart goes out to all the quilts...This one is just lovely

  3. What a great old quilt and perfect colors for spring!
    yay - it finally arrived here in CT too!

  4. Wow, your spring IS late this year! So glad you have crocus to see now though, heralding the warmer weather to come. And the beautiful older quilt, what a treasure! What stories it could tell if it had voice!
